heart(h) home

I love words. I love language. I’ve always adored books + loved to read more than I liked watching TV  (which is still true of me). Foreign languages and vocabulary come easily to me and my chief complaint with movies I don’t like is - “the writing was terrible.” Because of this affinity, I enjoy studying words and how other cultures use them; I enjoy excavating what old meanings may still whisper inside our everyday use. In short, I’m a Nerd.

And lately, I’ve been searching for the words to describe my Whole. While my ingredients and offerings feel aligned, inspired and true - what has felt unclear is the name of the recipe. WHY put these offerings + services together? WHAT is the motivation behind them? WHY would someone come for them? So I’ve been consulting myself, guides, and trees, waiting for a clear aha! 

And driving the other day, it dropped in (like it often does while driving), and it felt really clear suddenly, obvious, resonant - like most good epiphanies do. I kept hearing the words cor, courage… cor, courage.

Of course! I thought… the heart!

And as I have spent more time with these words, they revealed that they are the umbrella for me and my offerings, the focus for my teaching at this time and, always, the compass that divines decisions and the path for me in this life.

heart - centered

Your heart is your seat for the Divine mind, not your brain. Your heart is the strong, wise, Immortal; it has likely lived many lives and is the dust of Stars. And when I speak towards the encouragement, I speak to the filling of your heart with more of your authentic heart - for our heart (cor) is where we get our bravery (courage). It takes bravery to come here, to live this life and relate within the confines of skin and the eternity of Love.

If you came here, you have purpose, and the purpose resides in the joy in the cor of your heart. In there we get the courage to keep waking up, connecting - the fuel to evolve the spark for our journey. And our joy comes when we fill our life with our hearts, when the heart is liberated to accept, to love and to be

when your heart is free enough to hold the ebbs and flows of the tidal Ocean inside of itself,
alive enough to swim valiantly.

And if you grew up anything like I did, you were taught that obedience was the outcome of Love.  And it is not about obedience. My dear friend Hez said this while he married me and my partner, and his wise words still revelate.

But the fullness is succumbing to the Love of your own Love, to drink and eat from the vastness inside of you and to heal ourselves so we can mingle our love with others’. And it tastes sweet and it tastes of freedom.

The heart is our hearth. When we abandon our heart, our lives get cold, desireless, dim, lacking nourishment. It’s like unplugging the lamp so it becomes powerless, purposeless. The tools of self-reflection train and inspire us to realize the manifestations of our heart within this world; they light a way for us to honor the heart, attend, heal, and strengthen so we can experience the joy of being alive.

So, for me, my conversations, healing sessions, offerings, workshops, gatherings, retreats - while they may vary in their focus, they are all paths intended to offer us more fully into our own hearts and connect you to a candle, a thread, to carry and stitch you on your way.


winter: plan + intend


samhain blessings