How to Set Aligned Goals (or Flow Goals) for 2022

Listen, the past few years have been intense times. For many of us, this had led to a range of reactions leading from overwhelm, grief, depression, giving up, apathy, extreme empathy (loss of sense of self due to lack of boundaries), fluctuations in self-care, and a dispersion of focus. 

While I’m not a resolution queen by any stretch (I gave up resolutions yearsssss ago), I am a believer in goals. Not just any goals, though. I do not believe in goals that amplify a need for maximum control in order to accomplish things AT ALL COSTS. 

I’m a Water Queen. I need Flow. Let me rephrase that: I’m a human being who is made up of over 50% water. I need Flow (+ so do you). Flow is essential if we want a life that feels reciprocal, a life that feels met by Life, synchronicity and relationship (not just accomplishment). If there’s no Flow, we spend all of our energy trying to move the immovable wall instead of spending our energy moving down the river towards our goals.

So Flow Goals… here’s 4 ingredients to get you well-on-your-way to creating more aligned, pleasurable goals for your 2022.

Goals with Context

One of the first steps to creating goals with more flow is checking in with what is already happening. We can’t create goals in a vacuum. But that’s what most of us do, right? Or is it just me? Just ADHD people? (Lmk)… Many of us create goals as if we have no context, no relationships, no body, no surroundings. We plan ahead as if we have no need for walks, rest, periods, interruptions, down time, baths, sex, gardens, animals, funerals, or surprises. We make lists as if there will never be troubling news or unexpected demands.

But these are stuff of life. So we have to create goals remembering where we already are + what resources we actually have available. If you don’t like what you have or where you are, that’s ok. Take a moment to breathe and be with that. These things can change. But change won’t happen by pretending these things aren’t here. They won’t change by just wishing they would go away. Our circumstances can only change, if you start with them.

We have to create goals remembering where we already are + what resources we actually have available.

Goals are not Punishments

Another component to creating goals with Flow is this fun truth : goals should not be punishing. You are not a terrible person. You are not a failure. You are not washed up. You are not too much. You are not too big. You are not too little. You are not too introverted, extroverted. You are not too organized or disorganized. You are not [insert your most-used insert self-criticism here]. You. Are Not.

We have all had failures. We have all made mistakes. We’ve all done things we aren’t proud of. We’ve all had tough hills to climb. But that doesn’t mean you ARE a failure or any of these other things. Goals are not penance or atonements. Goals aren’t wants to prove that you are not what you fear you might be. Goals are how we take steps towards our desires. They are meant to pull us into a state of desire and movement, like water. They are meant to get us in the boat and on the journey to what’s next. They are intended to encourage us towards the transformations, the alchemies, that we want in life. So if you look at your list of goals for the year, and there’s some that make you cringe… they gotta go. They need a reframe. Or if they can’t be reframed, then they need to go down the toilet. Goals should nourish you not punish you.

Goals should nourish you not punish you.

Create Goals with Others

Recall from my first point above —you do not exist in a vacuum. You are a human being, evolved for connection and belonging. The mirror of relationships is one of the chief ways we create safety, and therefore possibility. When we feel seen, understood and that we can be who we truly are, then our nervous system softens. And when we soften, we can create or undergo change without trauma. And that’s what we want! When we create goals, relay dreams, and undergo meaningful journeys with others, we exponentially increase our chances of courageous (not traumatic) transformation.

So sit down with a friend whose voice you trust. Share where you’re at, where you would like to be + what you want to do this year to close that gap. Make it clear from the beginning whether you want feedback or you would just like to be heard. If you’d rather have a more outside perspective, consider booking a session with someone who can help you with this sensitive focus, heart-aligned space + considerate feedback.

When we create goals … with others, we exponentially increase our chances of courageous (not traumatic) transformation.

Create goals with gods

One of my many hats is being a consulting astrologer. For me, this means one of the primary things I do in that bridge between one year and the next is look at the heavens. I look at the upcoming transits as well as my personal timing (note: transits aren’t the only astro timing! it gets confusing! seek a professional!). I hone in on the focus + themes of the upcoming year and I put it into my Notion calendar. This helps me get a big-picture view of the year ahead that I can refer to throughout the year. Essentially, I make my own astro app for the year.

This practice helps me understand what is already happening from a celestial view, like having a weather forecast one year in advance. What celestial resources are on my team this year? When is the best time to try to grow + expand? Is this a year to focus on my career or will there be a bigger emphasis on my relationships? Does it look like health concerns are something I need on my radar? Which windows of time look like there will be A LOT going on? How do I intentionally leave space for surprises or disruptions during this 6-week period? Yes, astrology can also be deeply practical by helping you create aligned goals + seasons that match with the upcoming energies. I highly recommend it.

Astrology can be deeply practical by helping you create aligned goals

So how are you going to work with more Flow this year? 

The good news is that these principles can work for your life, relationships, business… literally any area of life where you are creating goals or desired transformations. So whether you’ve made them yet or not, work them through these 4 steps to evaluate whether or not they have that Flow quality.

The other good news is, help is available! 

  • If having a personalized Cosmic Calendar for the years sounds a-mazing, I can make one for you! Head over here to check out my astrology offerings.

  • If you want to apply these principles together and work with more structures, accountability + systems(!) to create more support for your goals, book a free 20-minute discovery call. We can create a session (or series of sessions) that helps create more Flow + alignment in your life, your business or both.


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