Rest + Resources w— Rachelle Knowles

Managing energy, prayer, your body, Saturn... What do limits, boundaries + surrender have to teach us about relating to our resources? How do we honor ourselves by creating more alignment between our values and our embodiment? Open up to a more expansive definition of resources and learn how pacing (+ Pilates) has showed up to help us become a more full expression of who we are.

we discuss

  • How we can engage with pacing as rest

  • Why it’s not always “mind over matter” #trauma

  • Appreciating a wide array of intelligences

  • The role of surrender + prayer in self-evolution and expression

  • New ways we’re thinking about resources + what we need to become ourselves

  • How our physical and somatic practices have helped us shift through emotional or spiritual obstacles


learn more about KIN

our online, alchemical membership rooted in well-being


New Moon in Pisces — Astrology + Energy Forecast March 2022


Full Moon in Leo — Astrology + Energy Forecast February 2022